Photo credits: Sam Greenhill & J. Kyle Snyder
Find Your
Spot in Cov

About Parking in Cov

The City of Covington’s parking operations are governed by the Covington Motor Vehicle Parking Authority, a citizens board established in 2018 via Ordinance 0-05-22.

The Parking Authority contracts with ABM Parking Services for day-to-day operation of public parking garages, lots, and on-street metered parking spaces, including collecting fees and enforcement.

For questions, contact:

Covington Motor Vehicle Parking Authority

ABM Parking Services

501 Scott Blvd, Covington, KY  41011

Where to Park

Click within the interactive map to find locations of garages, surface lots, and on-street metered parking.

Streets not shown with meters generally have free parking:

Parking by the hour

On-Street Meters

On-street parking meters operate from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday-Saturday. The cost equates to $1.50 an hour (with the first 15 minutes free). The City has about 450 metered spots in high-demand areas designed to help neighboring small businesses and restaurants by encouraging continuous turnover.

Learn how to use the new meters and kiosks in the videos linked below.

Meters can be paid with coins, credit card, by phone by downloading one of the apps listed below  or by texting “PAY” to 77447.


  • Saratoga Lot (kiosk): 17 E. Eighth St., Covington 41011
  • 400 Madison Street Lot (8 metered spots): 425 Madison Ave. Covington 41011

City-owned parking garages (see signs for rates and hours)

Parking by the Month

To obtain monthly parking pass or verify pricing, 

ABM Parking Services

501 Scott Blvd, Covington, KY  41011

For Parking on Surface lots go online

Residential Parking Program Residential Parking Program

The Residential Parking Program operates only in 
the Historic Licking Riverside neighborhood (at this time), which 
is bordered by the Ohio and Licking rivers, runs south
to Eighth Street and west to the north-south alley between Greenup Street and Scott Boulevard.

As indicated by posted signs, vehicles parked within 
these zones must display a parking permit. Only neighborhood residents with a permit can park. 
Residents who do not have a permit must comply 
with on-street signage requirements.

About the Permit

  • Cost is $80.
  • Are issued annually
  • Each household can obtain up to two permits 
and two visitor passes in a given year.
  • Are coded to each resident’s address for verification.
  • Permits are now license plate numbers. Visitor passes must be hooked onto the rear-view mirror 
of visitors’ cars.
  • Are valid only in the Licking Riverside neighborhood — NOT at meters, in lots or garages, or other public parking areas.

To apply for a permit:

Go to  to apply online OR Fill out this PERMIT APPLICATION and mail it 
or deliver it in person, as explained on the form. Here is a BROCHURE about the Historic Licking Riverside residential parking permit program.

Renew online or at the ABM office.


Parking Citations


Parking tickets can be paid online or in person at Midtown Garage, 501 Scott Blvd., across from the Kenton County Public Library.


To appeal a parking citation, you must schedule a hearing before the Parking Violation Hearing Board. To do that, complete this APPEAL FORM and submit it to the Covington Police Department within 7 days of you getting the ticket. Instructions are on the form.  

If you believe the ticket was written in error, please complete the appeal form providing all evidence to support your claim.  It will be reviewed for validity prior to the next appeal hearing. 

You can e-mail completed forms and attachments to or deliver them in person between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday (but not holidays), to the Police Department at One Police Memorial Drive, Covington, KY 41014.